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kemetklique.com is developed to serve as a social and dating network, exclusively catering to culturally and socially conscious black people!

Our niche programming and superb site design provides users with a vast array of options for reaching out to others in the conscious community!

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Create a profile or simply sync your Facebook and our site will auto-populate your information. Then begin sharing your thoughts, connecting with others in our unique conscious community; potentially finding someone special!


Upgrade your membership, and our extensive search options will help guide your selection, while great photo galleries, instant messaging, live chat, gifts, winks, and virtual speed-dating, etc., make it extremely easy to strike a conversation and have fun!

Black Conscious Dating Community! Kemetklique.com is an exclusive niche dating community for culturally and socially conscious black people. Conscious black singles are online now in our active community. Kemetklique.com is designed for dating, sharing conscious thought, building strong relationships, and friendships. Join Kemetklique.com today and meet other conscious black singles and your compatible match. Kemetklique.com brings black love and online dating together! Ankh Udja Seneb. Ase.
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