
Zambians Outraged at Woman's Tale of Gap Year in Their Country

Jul 6 '16 | By Kemet1luv
Zambians Outraged at Woman's Tale of Gap Year in Their Country
(NEWSER) – Louise Linton is an aspiring actress living in California, but the Scottish woman's recently published book about her gap year in Zambia in the late '90s is what's catching everyone's attention, the Guardian reports. Critics are outraged at a story they say is filled with inaccuracies, stereotypes, and out-and-out lies. After first describing Africa as "rife with hidden danger"—including malaria, wild animals, and "random acts of violence"—she relays how Congolese rebels invaded her village. "I tried not to think what the rebels would do to the 'skinny white muzungu with long angel hair' if they found me," she writes. 




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